Friday, December 13, 2013

Another Day, Another Burger

With the quench of another burger i visited the local krusty krab. I ordered the world famous krabby patty, but as i sat there waitng for my juicy burger it struck me that this thing was filled with beef. Where did beef come from. I mean this stuff is delicious it had to have some great origin. I know it came from the grill behind the door but there has to be more. With enough time i figured i could use siri to google it. According to siri, beef is from the old world which would've been Europe (specifically for beef). It's not every day you get to enjoy a delicious burger. Those tomatoes though. They're probably so on point. Whne i used siri to google that she said they were from the new world (The Americas) to the old world.Tomatoes are in the same botanical family as tobacco, peppers, potatoes, eggplant and the poisonous plant deadly nightshade. And all of these originated from the old world. Tomatoes specifically are thought to have originated in South America and Mexico.
Deion Riley

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