Sunday, December 15, 2013

Italian Stuffed Peppers By Chyna Key

Chyna Key
Italian Stuffed Peppers
I just had the most amazing experience while in Italy! I was in a pizzeria when I was met with the most fantastic collision of aromas and tastes that only a master chef could create! Stuffed peppers! I was surprised to find it on a Italian menu for I usually ate them in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Some of the ingredients in this dish are not usually found on this part of the world. I guess I'll have to thank the Columbian Exchange for that!
The Columbian Exchange took place around the 15th century when Europeans traveled to the new world in search of treasures. Europeans eventually came across other inhabitants who grew odd crops and raised strange animals. Among those crops were the bell peppers and tomatoes ancestors used for my stuffed peppers. They brought back their findings to Europe to share with the public. Many of the American crops became staples in various parts of Europe. In return, the Europeans exchanged Afro- Eurasian crops and animals such as the ground beef and white rice that are in my stuffed peppers today! During the constant exchange goods across the Atlantic Ocean, the Europeans spread diseases like small pox and influenza to the native Aztecs, Incas, and Amerindians. The populations in Afro- Eurasia benefited from the crop diversity which helped  their diet.  
    Stuffed Peppers Recipe

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